姚海鑫 教授 Yao Haixin,Professor

时间:2021-08-02 15:02 浏览量:





本科:1985年毕业于东北师范大学数学系, 获理学学士学位。









(一)   著作

1.     姚海鑫、刘志杰.《外资并购国有企业的股权定价研究》,商务印书馆, 201512月。

2.     姚海鑫.《并购视角下的大企业竞争力研究》,经济管理出版社,20126月。

3.     姚海鑫.《经济政策的博弈论分析》,经济管理出版社,20011月。



1.     姚海鑫、尹波、李正. 关于上市公司会计监管的不完全信息博弈分析[J]. 会计研究,200305

2.     姚海鑫、肖晗. 辽宁上市公司股权结构与经营绩效的实证分析[J]. 经济管理,200421

3.     姚海鑫、刘志杰. 外资并购国有企业股权定价财务影响因素的实证分析[J]. 中国软科学,200910

4.     姚海鑫、胡可果. 上市公司会计管制执行力研究——以应收款项会计计量和披露为视角[J]. 审计与经济研究,201002

5.     姚海鑫、朱雅琴. 基于信号博弈的外资并购国有企业定价研究[J]. 辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版),201005)。《财务与会计导刊(理论版)》(F101,复印报刊资料)201012期全文转载。

6.     姚海鑫,鹿坪. FASB/IASB联合概念框架相关性与可靠性质量特征的逻辑关系--基于经济学视角的分析[J]. 财经理论与实践,2013,06

7.     刘焱、姚海鑫. 高管权力、审计委员会专业性与内部控制缺陷[J]. 南开管理评论,201402

8.     姚海鑫、鹿坪、田甜. 投资者情绪、盈余公告市场反应与盈余操纵择机[J]. 财贸研究,201502)。《财务与会计导刊(理论版)》(F101,复印报刊资料)201506期全文转载。

9.     孙梦男、姚海鑫、赵利娟. 政治关联、并购战略选择与企业价值[J]. 经济理论与经济管理,201706

10.  姚海鑫、李璐. 共享审计可以提高并购绩效吗?——来自中国A股上市公司的经验证据[J]. 审计与经济研究,201803)。《财务与会计导刊(理论版)》(F101,人大复印报刊资料)201809期全文转载。








Name: Yao Haixin

Title: Professor

Educational Background

Bachelor of ScienceNortheast Normal University1985

Master of StatisticsShanghai University of Finance & Economy1991

Ph.D in EconomicsLiaoning University1999

Visiting Scholar Nijenrode University, The Netherlands1999);California State University, NorthridgeCSUN)(2008)


Research Interests: Empirical research in accounting, M&A and Valuation, IPO

Pricing, Corporate governance andcorporate finance, Game theory and its application,

Finance and accounting in capital market.


Areas of teaching:

Financial managementSpecial Topics on the frontier of AccountingCorporate

Finance Research topicsInvestment and financing of cultural and creative enterprises


Main achievements

(I)         Academic work

1.     Haixin Yao, Zhijie Liu, 2015. Research on Equity Pricing in Foreign Investor’s M&A State-owned Enterprise.The Commercial Press, China.

2.     Haixin Yao,2012,Research on the Competitiveness of Big Enterprises From the View of M&A. The Economic & Management Publishing House.

3.     Haixin Yao 2001. A game theoretic analysis of economic policy. The Economic & Management Publishing House.


(II)       Published paper


1.     Haixin Yao,etc.. A game theoretic analysis of imperfect information  on

accounting supervision of list company . Accounting Research, 200305):43-45.

2.     Haixin Yao, Han Xiao A positive analysis on relationship between Equity

structures and operating performance in Liaoning list companies. Economic

Management Journal, 2004 (21)6-11.

3.     Yao Hai-xin, Liu Zhi-jie. A Empirical Analysis of Financial Effect Factors upon Pricing State-owned Equity in Foreign Investor’s M&A. China Soft Science,2009(10):133-141.

4.     Yao Hai-xin, Hu Ke-guo, A Study on the Execution Power of Accounting

Regulation of Listed Companies: From the Perspective of Accounting Measurement and Disclosure of the Accounts Receivable, Journal of audit & economics ,2010(2):63-69.

5.     Yao Hai-XinZhu Ya-Qin. A Study of SOEs Pricing in Foreign Investors M&A Based on  Signaling Games[J].Journal of Liaoning University(Philosophy and

SocialScience),2010(5): 12-16.

6.     Yao Haixin, Lu Ping. The Logical Relation Between Relevance and Reliability Qualitative Characteristics in the FASB/IASB Common Conceptual Framework——An Analysis Based on the Perspective of Economics.The Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics, 2013(6)54-58.

7.     Liu Yan, Yao Haixin. Chief Executive Power, Professional Competence of

Audit Committee and Internal Control Weakness. Nankai Business Review,2014(02):4-12.

8.     Yao Haixin, Lu Ping , Tian Tian. Investor Sentiment, Stock Market Response to Earnings News and Market Timing of Earnings Manipulation. Finance and Trade

Research, 201502):128-138.

9.     Sun Meng-nan, Yao Hai-xin, Zhao Li-juan. Political Connection,Strategic

Choice of M&A and Corporate Value. Economic Theory and Business

Management. 2017(06):19-33.

10.  Yao HaixinLi Lu. Can Shared Auditors Improve M&A Performance?

Evidence from Chinese A Share Listed Companies. Journal of Audit and



(III)     Textbook

Haixin Yao etd, Financial Management.(2007,1st edition;2013,2se edition;2019,3rd edition). The Tsinghua University Press.


Email: hxyao@lnu.edu.cn






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